Monday, August 31, 2009


So, last weekend my girls tried out gymnastics for the 1st time. I was very torn being that I always wanted them in dance, but anyone that knows my crystal knows that her and a tutu just dont! Anyway, I expected Nina to want to stay with dance but she surprised me by wanting to go into gymnastics. I was worried about the change at first but actually thought it could work? Maybe, just maybe, my 2 girls will for once have something in common and get along? ( hey a mother can dream right) So, today is their 1st official day of gymnastic class, Im so excited, so are they. Crystal was a little shy at first but I have a feeling she is going to be great at it. Nina to me has always been more of a dancer. She is very graceful and girly but she def has the build for gymnastics as well. We shall see how it all pans out. If she wants to go back to dance I will be ok with that too. For now though my two lil gymnists will be off for their first big day =) pictures will be coming dont worry =)
ps- is johnny 3 yet so i can put him in football =p!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Nephew NIKO

So after almost 2 months of waiting i FINALLY met my nephew Niko last month when I went to NY for the big visit. I must say, I knew I was in love with him already, but looking at him and holding him were amazing. He is so big compared to my lil chunkers whenthey were born. He still looks liks a newborn to me..which I was happy about. However, he is eating, sleeping, and thriving wonderfully!He looks a lot like my brother, which of course means he has similiarities to Crystal when she was born since she does still look like my brothers clone. But, I did see a bit of Lori in him. He has dark hair and these blue-grey amazingly precious! I hope they don't change like Giovanni's did. The time I spent with him was just not enough since poor Lori was in and out of the hospital my whole trip ( mostly in) but I still got chances to see him. I might bore him since he slept most of the time that I got to share with him but I loved watching him sleep peacefully. I have been waiting a VERY long time for a nephew for Costa and Lori and words can't describe how I feel! I cant wait till Lori gets better so they can come visit us out here and then I get to go see them again when I visit again in November. Babies grow way too quickly and I dont want to miss anything!
So every1 who reads this blog please pray that Lori gets better soon and that my miracle of a nephew continues to strive and be the perfect lil man that he is =)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I know, you were all thinking I either a) abandoned my blog or b) fell off the face of the earth...both are possibilities since I haven't posted in almost a month and things have been so crazy around here I sometimes wonder what world I am in. Whatever the case is...Im back!!
The trip to New York was wonderful and crazy all wrapped up in 1!! I will be back blogging alot this week to get every1 caught topics will be about
- my trip to ny
- my nephew Niko
- nandos week off
-back to the old routine ( i hope)
- extra curricular activity choices
- to vacation or not to vacation..that is my internal question!!
so it will be a busy week on my blog to make up for my lack of blogs this past this blog will be about my first topic...the big trip to ny
big events-
vikys engagement party! wow, almost a year has gone by and the day is quickly approaching( ok its still about 15 months away, this engagement is too long if u ask however time does seem to fly by lately!
finally meeting Niko which deserves it's own blog! so that will be my next entry
seeing my godchildren which makes me smile and feel so happy! i miss them so much sometimes that it is just crazy!!! it was also Evan's 1st bday which is crazy to me..these kids need to stop growing up so fast!!!
the rest of the trip was nice at parts, crazy at parts, and stressful( being that my son was not a happy camper at all during the trip) but overall it was nice to be back in ny, with my family and friends who i love to pieces. It was nice to eat a REAL! It was good to catch up with people I HAVEN'T SEEN IN AGES.Overall it was a good trip!

My obsessions!!! You will be hearing about these at some point


About Me

My photo
Riverview, Florida, United States
Anna Constantinides Bonich is wife to: Fernando Bonich Mother to: Justina ( Nina)- 7 Crystal ( Mushala)- 2 Giovanni ( lil man or the chunkster)-1

Pook and I

Pook and I