Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lost over Lost!

So this will officially be my last blog about tv until the new season begins in about Sept/Oct ( unless the Glee finale knocks my socks off and I just have to blog about it) I am excited, I have become so insanely engrossed with the shows this season that I have a ton of books I have been neglecting. So hile I love my shows and am already eagerly anticipating their return, I am glad to say I will have a little more down time to turn to my other love- books.
However that is not what this post is about. This post is to try and write down my thoughts about LOST. A show that wont be returning ( unless the franchise gets greedy and starts a spin-off which I could totally see happening) I like many others anticipated this event on the edge of my seat. I sat down for 5 hours eagerly awaiting SO many answers. Then at 11:30 I realized that 90 percent of my questions were not answered and the show ended. I like many viewers were confused, outraged, and felt cheated.( and I only started watching this show a few months ago out of boredom and curiosity, some people devoted 6 years to this show). Now I will admit I had a few too many malibu's but I was more lost then ever. After my ranting and raving on fb, twitter, and everywhere pretty much I went to bed. The next day I read blogs, reviews, and rewatched the finale. I must say rewatching it knowing the outcome made it MUCH more clear to me. So in this post I will blog my own personal interpretation of what actually happened on lost ( because thats all we really have to go on, there was no definitive answers.
MY finale synopsis- The island was real life, the plane did crash and they did survive. All the insaneness actually happened. The flashsideways was purgatory( a place that was created by the castaways (possibly when the a bomb went off) so they could all return to each other before they "moved on". At some point each of them died some on the island, some off, and some long after. However, the most important part of their lives was on the island and how they actual "found" themselves and were no longer "lost" Once they all "found" each other again in purgatory they could all move on together the way they wanted too. The ones that did not move on were not "ready to let go" so they will move on later or some have probably moved on already.
Looking at it that way now I was VERY happy to see that all my beloved characters had their happy endings and I was VERY glad to know the island was real and not some cookoo dream or hell.
Here are my favorite parts/points about the ending- my number 1 is of course the Charlie/Claire/Aaron reunion. I cried like a baby, although I must say seeing my beloved Ian Somerhalder(Boone) and the Shannon/Sayid reunion made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside as well. I was surprised to realize how touched I was by Jack and Kates scence's because I was a total Sawyer and Kate fan I think until this very episode and I was relieved that they ended "up" together. Other things I really enjoyed was the humor and all of the realizations actually =)
I am now somewhat satisified with the ending on a CHARACTER only ending. It ended lovely for all of the characters ( except the ones left behind) which I thought was a bit sad) especially poor Ana Lucia.
However there are two sides to every story and rewatching and evaluating the situation I still feel cheated. The very premise of this show in my opinion was not who are these people but why them and where are they? This was FIRMLY established by the ending scence in the shows pilot ( close up of Charlies face " guys where are we") If we werent suppose to care about the island why was it the main focus of the show?I find it VERY hard to believe that the island was just a big ole red herring to throw us off for 6 years. So in the sense of just the island, its mysteries and all of the mythology I feel very cheated.
What I didnt like about the ending- It explained nothing about the island. Now I do want to defend Darlton for a second and agree that there was no way to answer everything ( kind of like the Harry Potter series) every line was soooooooooooooooooo overanalyzed that it just went a bit overboard.
With that being said I think they OWED it to us viewers and yes I said OWED because Im so sick of these writers thinking they owe us nothing when they owe us EVERYTHING. If we didnt like the shows they would have nothing....so yes I believe in my heart of hearts that they in the very least should of told us wtf the island is!! Sorry but I feel VERY strongly about this....
Other answers I wanted-
- What was Walts connection to the island
-Why could Hurley see dead people/Miles hear them?
-Who actually were the others n why didnt smokey kill them?
-How did the island get there? who protected the island b4 the crazy mom?
-What was the light suppose to be on the island?
-what was the box Claires dad left her?
- what was the signifigance of Jack having a son in the flash sideways?
- Why could babies not be concieved and born on the island?
- why could Locke not need his wheelchair on the island?
- soooooooooooooooooooooooo many more things that I thought were owed to us and werent told.
So in a manner of looking at the LOST finale just on the mysteries that they promised this season would be solved " the season of answers" It sucked, I feel cheated and hate the fact that I started watching
With all this being said I think the finale was good or bad depending on what you personally wanted. I was selfish and wanted both, an explanation of the island and a happy conclusion for the characters. So in the end Im moving on half-satisfied and half dissappointed but I will " move on and let go"...I am just hoping that as I stated above this wasnt a way to spin off the show .... I could totally see a spin off of the Hurley/Ben years where we would finally " get all the answers" but who knows...All I can say is overall I am glad I watched it, am glad I experienced the most complex show ever on tv , and am glad I got the happy ending at least for the characters I most cared about =)

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Riverview, Florida, United States
Anna Constantinides Bonich is wife to: Fernando Bonich Mother to: Justina ( Nina)- 7 Crystal ( Mushala)- 2 Giovanni ( lil man or the chunkster)-1

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